By London YPAG
31 members of GOSH YPAG were delighted to attend the fifth session of the ChromaDose project, ‘Advancing a bedside blood-testing tool to support personalisation of cancer treatment in children’ at our January 2023 meeting.
We are always interested to hear from Prof Stefan Guldin and Lisa Pfaffenrath on how the project is progressing and what innovations are taking place. Also, importantly, how the team have shaped the project following our previous involvement. We weren’t let down as we had another exciting update which was followed by our informative working groups.
We worked in groups with our faithful friend the Jamboard, to share our ideas on what the characters should look like and represent as well as how to make them inclusive. Then, it was onto the digital world of discussion around suitable illustration and animation, which members always love to contribute to as we are the co-creators of seeing and being part of these changes.
What’s more and ‘hot of the press’- members were given the exciting opportunity to get involved with the project at the Royal Society’s Summer Science Exhibition for Science, London in July 2023. This could be designing leaflets and information, setting up the ChromaDose project’s exhibition, being involved with talks, developing videos and animation and so on.
Please put a date in your diary as the ChromaDose project (and GOSH YPAG members!) would love to see you at the Royal Society’s Summer Science Exhibition for Science.