Authored by Lisa Pfaffenrath
In September 2022 Neil Ranasinghe, lead of ChromaDose partner Pediatric Oncology Reference Team (PORT) attended the 54th Congress of the International Society of Paediatric Oncology (SIOP) in Barcelona on behalf of the ChromaDose consortium to present a poster with the title: Involving Parents and Carers in the Development of Novel Devices and Protocols for Therapeutic Drug Monitoring in Paediatric Oncology.
The poster showed an overview of the ChromaDose Project and its main methods with a focus on the involvement of the public and patients as well as our main conclusions and the next steps of the project. Using QR Codes, we tried to avoid an overflow of information and rather used the poster as an anchor point for interaction with the audience and to stimulate further discussions. Neil came back with lots of input and ideas himself and we hope to have more opportunities in the future to present the ChromaDose Project internationally! Thank you so much again to Neil, who certainly was the right person for this job!

You can obtain the poster via this link
Neil also wrote a blogpost about his experience at the SIOP conference (also covering other roles), which can be found here: