The ChromaDose project had the opportunity to send a small delegation of attendees to the Children's Cancer and Leukaemia Group (CCLG) Winter Meeting held at the De Vere East Midlands Conference Centre in Nottingham. Project personnel included Prof Gareth Veal (Newcastle Uni.), Dr Jugal Suthar (UCL), Dr Alaric Taylor (Vesynta Ltd) and Dr Shelby Barnett (Newcaslte Uni.) in addition to other collaborators Sepehr Samimi (Vesynta Ltd) and Dr Anand Pallipurath (UCL).
The conference provided wonderful insightful into cutting edge research in neuro-oncology treatment, novel approaches to lymphoma management and the importance of molecular survivorship to minimise late effects of chemotherapy. The second day focused on solid tumour advances, including the utility of whole genome sequencing in treatment selection and patient stratification, current applications of CAR-T therapies and all things leukaemia, including relapse prevention, microbiome involvement and treatment resistance.
Attendance to this meeting provided significant value to the ChromaDose project, as it connected key researchers with the core clinical stakeholders in paediatric oncology, such as clinicians, research nurses, pharmacists and pharmacologists. Ascertaining their thoughts on our developments, including understanding the clinical environment and use case in which the ChromaDose technology will be integrated is essential in developing a product that is fit for purpose. The project looks forward to contributing in subsequent meetings by way of poster and oral presentations as the technology develops.