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4th Public & Patient Involvement workshop with Young Person Advisory Group at GOSH

As a follow-up from September 2022, this workshop with the Young Person Advisory Group at GOSH was focussed on the development of patient information materials on the topic of therapeutic drug monitoring.

The 45 min session took place on Saturday, the 26th of November 2022 via the online platform ZOOM and was led by Lisa Pfaffenrath and Prof Stefan Guldin. We were incredibly lucky to have 14 male and 19 female members of YPAG GOSH attending.

The first activity aimed at finding a suitable story setting and character design to be used in patient information materials and potentially also on the hardware device / software interface. Participants were presented examples of story settings and character designs used in existing patient information material for children with cancer.

They were exposed to the problem: how can we evolve on existing material to allow for integration in portfolio while meeting YPAG’s expectations on engagement and inclusivity?

In their first activity, which included four questions on different interactive whiteboards (see Figure 1), YPAG members were divided into three separate breakout rooms.

The second activity was carried out in a similar fashion to the first one and aimed to get advice on the question: What type of illustration / animation would you find most engaging / inclusive across different age groups? YPAG was asked feedback on styles of existing work

and suggestions of other styles.

As always, we were amazed by the level of engagement and interest in the ChromaDose

Project, and it has proved once more how valuable the input of the YPAGs in the project is.

However, it is important to us that the sessions with the YPAGs are a two-way process and

that we are learning from each other. We hope that everyone had a fun time and that we see

many of the YPAG participants again in our next session in March, the 25th!

Author: Lisa Pfaffenrath


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